dimanche 10 juin 2007


المغرب: يجب الإفراج عن نشطاء المجتمع المدني المعتقلين القاهرة في 10 يونيو 2007م طالبت الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان اليوم السلطات المغربية بالإفراج عن نشطاء المجتمع المدني المعتقلين الذين تم القبض عليهم على أثر تظاهرات أول مايو الماضي ، والذين أدينوا بتهمة "المس بالمقدسات " ووقف حملة التحرشات والتضييق على حرية الرأي والتعبير. وكانت الحملة قد بدأت في يوم 1 مايو عندما تعرض مقر إتحاد العمال المغربي بأجادير لمداهمات من قبل قوات الأمن بعد مسيرة عيد العمال. حيث شملت هذه الحملة التعدي على نشطاء إتحاد العمال بالضرب والاختطاف ، فضلا عن اعتقال كل من عبد الرحيم قراد، عضو المكتب التنفيذي للنقابة الوطنية للعمال الزراعيين، والمهدي البربوشي، عضو الجمعية المغربية لحقوق الإنسان. ثم وفي اليوم نفسه، شهدت مدينة القصر الكبيرأيضاً حملة اعتقالات واستجوابات اسعة النطاق تم فيها اعتقال التهامي الخياط، رئيس الجمعية الوطنية للعاطلين ذوي المؤهلات واستجوابه ثم اطلق سراحه لتعيد السلطات اعتقاله يوم 3 مايو مع 4 نشطاء آخرين هم ربيع الريسوني ويوسف الركاب وأسامة بن مسعود وأحمد الكعطيب. وقد تم توجيه تهمة "المس بالمقدسات" للمعتقلين السبعة ، على خلفية مسيرة عيد العمال.
وفي 10 مايو الماضي أصدرت المحكمة الابتدائية بأجادير حكما بالإدانة ضد كل من عبد الرحيم قراد والمهدي البربوشي يقضي بحبسهم سنتان مع غرامة مالية قدرها 10000 درهم، رغم أثباتهما لوقوع الاعتراف تحت وطأة التعذيب . و في يوم 22 من نفس الشهر أصدرت المحكمة الابتدائية بالقصر الكبير حكمها بإدانة معتقلي القصر الكبير أيضاً بتهمة المس بالمقدسات، كما قضت بحبسهم ثلاث سنوات و غرامة مالية فدرها 10000 درهم. \ وقال جمال عيد المدير التنفيذي للشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان "لم يكن مفهوما لنا ما علاقة المقدسات بعيد العمال ، ولكن حين توثقنا من المعلومات اكتشفنا أن التهمة هي - المس بالمقدسات الملكية- إن الصيغة التي نشر بها الخبر هي صيغة ماكرة وشريرة ، وحين يسجن نشطاء انتقدوا الحكم الملكي فهو انتهاك لحقهم وقمعا لحرية التعبير ، وحين يصبح انتقاد الملكية مسا بالمقدسات تصبح جريمة الحكومة أخطر". والشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان وهي تعلن تضامنها الكامل مع الجمعية المغربية لحقوق الإنسان و نشطاء المجتمعالمدني المغربي وتطالب بالإفراج عنهم وعن باقي المحتجزين على ذمة ممارسة حقهم في التنظيم وإبداء الرأي ، فهي أيضا تعلن مخاوفها من بداية التراجع في انفتاح ديمقراطي لم تكد معالمه تتضح بعد ، ويعيد للأذهان ذكرى سنوات قاتمة عاشها النشطاء المغاربة ويستدعي النضال الديمقراطي حتى لا تعود هذه السنوات مرة أخرى.
Morocco: the arrested civil society activists must be freed Cairo, June 10, 2007The Moroccan authorities must release the detained Moroccan civil society activists, who were arrested after the first of May demonstrations and who were charged with "insulting sacred doctrines." It must stop the campaign against of violations and restrictions against freedom of opinion and expression, said the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRinfo) today.
The first of May was the start of the campaign. The security forces broke into the Moroccan workers' union headquarters in Agadir, just after the end of Labor Day walk. As a consequence, workers' union activists were beaten and abducted, Abd el Rehim Qarad, member of the executive office of the National Syndicate for Farmers and Mahdy El Barboushy, member of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights. > Moreover, on the same day, Al-Qasr Al- kabeer City has witnessed arrests and investigations campaign on a wide range. El Tuhamy El Khayat, Chair of the National Association for Unemployed Graduates, was arrested and interrogated then he was released only to be rearrested on May 3, with four other activists (Rabie el Risouny, Yousef el Rakab, Osama Bin Masoud and Ahmed el Kaatib). The seven activists were charged - on the background of Labor Day assembly - with "insulting sacred doctrines." On May 10, 2007, the Court of First Instance in Agadir, issued a verdict sentencing Abd el Rahim Qurad and El Mahdy el Barboushy to two years in prison and a fine of 10000 Dirham, despite their claim that confessions were extracted fro them under torture. On May 22, the Court of Firs Instance in Al-Qasr Al-kabeer, issued a verdict charging Al-Qasr Al-Kabeer prisoners of "insulting sacred doctrines," and they were sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 10000 Dirham. "We couldn't understand the relation between sacred doctrines and Labor Day, but when we gathered more information, we found out that the charge is insulting royal doctrines. The phrasing of the published news was unfair and deceitful, moreover, arresting activists for criticizing the royalty is a violation of their freedom of expression, and when criticizing the royalty becomes an insult to sacred doctrines, the government's crime becomes even more\n dangerous," Gamal Eid, the Executive Director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said. HRinfo declares its complete solidarity with the Moroccan Association for Human Rights and the Moroccan civil society activists and calls for their release. It also expresses its fears that this is a beginning of a drawback in a burgeoning democratic openness. These incidents remind us of the harsh years witnessed by the Moroccan activists and they call for a democratic struggle in order to avoid returning to those days. ",1]

The first of May was the start of the campaign. The security forces broke into the Moroccan workers' union headquarters in Agadir, just after the end of Labor Day walk. As a consequence, workers' union activists were beaten and abducted, Abd el Rehim Qarad, member of the executive office of the National Syndicate for Farmers and Mahdy El Barboushy, member of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights. Moreover, on the same day, Al-Qasr Al- kabeer City has witnessed arrests and investigations campaign on a wide range. El Tuhamy El Khayat, Chair of the National Association for Unemployed Graduates, was arrested and interrogated then he was released only to be rearrested on May 3, with four other activists (Rabie el Risouny, Yousef el Rakab, Osama Bin Masoud and Ahmed el Kaatib). The seven activists were charged - on the background of Labor Day assembly - with "insulting sacred doctrines." On May 10, 2007, the Court of First Instance in Agadir, issued a verdict sentencing Abd el Rahim Qurad and El Mahdy el Barboushy to two years in prison and a fine of 10000 Dirham, despite their claim that confessions were extracted fro them under torture. On May 22, the Court of Firs Instance in Al-Qasr Al-kabeer, issued a verdict charging Al-Qasr Al-Kabeer prisoners of "insulting sacred doctrines," and they were sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 10000 Dirham. "We couldn't understand the relation between sacred doctrines and Labor Day, but when we gathered more information, we found out that the charge is insulting royal doctrines. The phrasing of the published news was unfair and deceitful, moreover, arresting activists for criticizing the royalty is a violation of their freedom of expression, and when criticizing the royalty becomes an insult to sacred doctrines, the government's crime becomes even more dangerous," Gamal Eid, the Executive Director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said. HRinfo declares its complete solidarity with the Moroccan Association for Human Rights and the Moroccan civil society activists and calls for their release. It also expresses its fears that this is a beginning of a drawback in a burgeoning democratic openness. These incidents remind us of the harsh years witnessed by the Moroccan activists and they call for a democratic struggle in order to avoid returning to those days.

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